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Firearms Legal Defense

Legal Representation: 24/7/365 access to experienced attorneys who specialize in firearms-related cases. In the unfortunate event that you need legal assistance, your plan will connect you with a qualified attorney who will represent you in court.
Financial Assistance: The Attorneys on Retainer self-protection plan covers 100% of your legal fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and more. Additional Expense Coverage Includes Bail bond posting, scene cleanup expenses, firearm replacement, and mental health service expenses. This financial support can be crucial, as defending yourself in court can be prohibitively expensive.
24/7 Hotline: Our plan provides a 24/7 legal hotline, allowing you to quickly consult with an attorney if you encounter a legal issue related to your firearm.
Nationwide Coverage: The Attorneys on Retainer Plan provides nationwide coverage, ensuring that you have legal protection wherever you are in the United States.
Education: Access to free educational resources to help gun owners better understand self-defense laws and how to avoid legal trouble in the first place.
Requirements For Coverage

You were a member of the Attorneys on Retainer program prior to the incident.
You can reasonably claim that you acted in self-defense.
You are facing one or more felony charges.
If you meet all 3 requirements, the Attorneys on Retainer plan will cover you all the way through trial with ZERO additional legal defense fees.
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